Fund Information
Through its multi-asset strategy, The SMART Balanced Variable Fund aims to provide its investors returns over TL deposits in the medium-long term.
The Fund invests in TL and foreign currency capital market instruments in both domestic and international markets by making diversification on its assets and geography. By means of its active portfolio management strategy, it aims to offer its investors high returns in TL terms in the medium-long term by adjusting its net stock and net foreign exchange positions according to changing market conditions.
If you want to make a balanced choice while evaluating your savings, you may invest in The SMART Balanced Variable Fund.
Fund Code
Fund Risk Level
Fund Price TL
Fund Size
Launch Date
Fund Management Fee (Annual)
Transaction Start Time
Transaction End Time
Buy - Sell Trading Hours and Value Date
The Fund’s threshold value is 100% BIST-KYD 1 Month Deposit TL Index.
TL Performance Table (%)
Return (%)
1 Month
3 Month
6 Month
Year To Date
1 Year
3 Year
Public Offering
TL Price and Performance Chart
The Fund return figures belong to the past term. Past term Fund returns are not an indication of future returns.