Fund Information
Garanti Asset Management Long Term Debt Instruments Fund is designed for investors who would like to invest their savings in a portfolio consisting of long term debt instruments.
At least 80% of the fund's total value is continuously invested in local and foreign debt instruments. The monthly weighted average maturity of the fund portfolio is more than 730 days.
The fund can be included in the foreign investment instruments in the fund portfolio. However, foreign currency and capital market instruments can be included in the fund portfolio up to 20% of the fund's total value.
Derivative instruments (futures and derivatives) based on partnership shares traded domestically and abroad, foreign currency/currency, precious metals, interest, financial indices and other assets that can be included in the fund portfolio for hedging and/or investment purposes in the portfolio, in accordance with the fund type and investment strategy. option contract), embedded derivative instruments, warrants and certificates, structured investment instruments, forward-dated bonds/bills and gold transactions, as well as over-the-counter derivative instruments, forward and swap contracts may be included for hedging purposes only.
Fund Code
Fund Risk Level
Fund Price TL
Fund Size
Launch Date
Fund Management Fee (Annual)
Transaction Start Time
Transaction End Time
Buy - Sell Trading Hours and Value Date
• Buy orders given before 13:30 are executed on T+1 day with T+1 day price, and buy orders given after 13:30 with T+2 day price are executed on T+2 day.
• Sell orders given before 13:30 are executed at T+1 day price on T+1 day, and sell orders given after 13:30 with T+2 day price are executed on T+2 day.
60% BIST-KYD Corporate Bond All Index + 30% BIST-KYD Corporate Bond Long Index + 5% BIST-KYD Corporate Bond Fixed Index % 5% BIST-KYD Repo (Gross) Index
TL Performance Table (%)
Return (%)
1 Month
3 Month
6 Month
Year To Date
1 Year
3 Year
Public Offering
TL Price and Performance Chart
The Fund return figures belong to the past term. Past term Fund returns are not an indication of future returns.