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You may take a look at our mutual funds here to choose the suitable fund for you according to your financial goals and expectations.
Take a look at our mutual funds advice for different investor profiles and increase your potential return!
More InformationYou may easily buy and sell Garanti BBVA Asset Management Mutual Funds through Garanti BBVA Branches and digital channels. You may buy and sell the Garanti BBVA Asset Management’s Mutual Funds that are traded on TEFAS via the internet branch of any bank or brokerage house that is a member of TEFAS.
TEFAS (Turkey Electronic Fund Trading Platform) is an electronic fund platform that allows to compare all funds over a single system and to reach all funds in the market with a single investment account.
It is an investment product based on the management of your savings by professional portfolio managers to be evaluated in various money and capital market instruments. Mutual funds are managed by professional portfolio managers, who constantly follow the markets, with the principle of minimum risk and maximum return.
It offers the opportunity to receive professional portfolio management services for individual investors. Mutual funds with high liquidity can be easily converted into cash. They are products that can also be used for small investments. Mutual funds consist of various investment instruments such as treasury bills, stocks, gold, repo, so that the investor is protected from the risk of a single investment instrument.
Initially, the mutual fund earns dividends and/or interest income from the securities it owns. The mutual fund reflects all its income to the fund portfolio value. The price of the securities held by the mutual fund may increase. If the mutual fund sells this security whose price has risen, it receives a capital gain. The mutual fund reflects this capital gain or loss to the mutual fund portfolio value. If the mutual fund does not sell but holds the securities whose price is rising, the price of the participation shares increases. High fund total value indicates high value of the investment.
Participation share shows how many shares the investor has in the fund portfolio. We can compare the participation shares in mutual funds to the partnership shares of companies. Just as investors become partners in companies by taking partnership shares and have rights on those companies, similarly, mutual funds become a partner in the fund portfolio with participation shares. However, while the shareholders can participate in the management of the company, the shareholders do not have the right to participate in the fund management.
Hedge Funds are mutual funds issued under Hedge Umbrella Funds, the participation shares of which are established to be sold only to Qualified Investors.
Qualified Investors are real and legal persons who own at least TL 1 million in Turkish and/or foreign currency and capital market instruments.