• GA1

    Debt Instruments Fund

Fund Information

The Garanti Asset Management Debt Instruments Fund allows you to invest in a portfolio mainly consisting of debt instruments.

The fund portfolio has no limitations on the weighted average maturity and portfolio distribution is determined dynamically by assessing the market interest rate expectations and macroeconomic indicators.

Fund Code


Fund Risk Level

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Low Risk Very Risky

Fund Price TL


Fund Size


Launch Date


Fund Management Fee (Annual)


Transaction Start Time


Transaction End Time


Asset Distribution

Buy - Sell Trading Hours and Value Date

  • Buy orders given before 13:30 are executed on T+1 day with T+1 day price, and buy orders given after 13:30 with T+2 day price are executed on T+2 day.
  • Sell ​​orders given before 13:30 are executed at T+1 day price on T+1 day, and sell orders given after 13:30 with T+2 day price are executed on T+2 day.


20% BIST-KYD GDS Short Index + 35% BIST-KYD Corporate Bond Fixed Index + 35% BIST-KYD Corporate Bond Variable Index + 10% BIST-KYD Repo (Gross) Index

TL Performance Table (%)


Return (%)

1 Month


3 Month


6 Month


Year To Date


1 Year


3 Year


Public Offering


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